About Us

About Us

Who We Are

We are a multidisciplinary team of independent consultants and researchers, with backgrounds in youth work but also including qualified teachers, counsellors, music and arts workers and other specialists. 

DNA Youth Consultancy will put together a bespoke staff team for each project we deliver, based on the needs of our clients but more importantly of the young people we are trying to reach. 

Our flexible staffing arrangements mean we can deliver a specific programme for each client, focussing on a quality youth work experience for young people and meaningful research for our clients.

What We Do

Our aim is to provide our clients with the true and authentic voice of young people in order to help local authorities, charities and other providers to shape their services, approaches and policies in line with the wishes and needs of young people. 

How we do this is by returning to the basics of our youth work practice:
  •  By creating positive activities for young people, which take place where young people are and start where young people start.
  •  By engaging young people in critical and reflective dialogue even when that dialogue is challenging or where young people are
          unused to being listened to.
  •  By setting up youth advisory groups that are genuinely representative and rooted in anti-oppressive practice.
  •  By producing reports and findings that are practical, workable insights into young people’s views and not bogged down in
          academic or managerial language.
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